He can play with his Toys again.


I wanted to include this answer because so many people ask me this question.
These wonderful creatures do not see this disability as we do. They never feel sorry for their circumstances, they just want to be back to normal again.
A cart gives them that opportunity to become new and whole again. You will actually see your pet “smile” when they take those first few new steps in a cart. They instinctively know it is there to help them. They quickly learn to adapt and before you know it, they are off doing what comes naturally, just being themselves. The cart has become a part of them.

Don’t be swayed by nay-sayers who are negative about what you are doing for your pet. You know that animal better than anyone and you know they want to live and be happy again.
So, as long as you are willing to commit your time and devotion to them, my answer is “Yes, you are doing the right thing!”

They are still our babies, they just need us more now. Cart dogs can live happy, normal lives. They are definitely “able” not “disabled!”

He can play with his Toys again.

He can play with his Toys again.