
Stephanie Blankenship

Hi Laurie-

I wanted to let you know that the day after I wrote you the email saying we were going to put Pacey down, your cart showed up. We had made an appointment to take Pacey in, but we thought we would try out the cart to see. I guess at that point we thought it wouldn’t hurt. Happily, I can tell you that we are not going to put Pacey down, but keep the cart for her. I apologize to be so erratic in emails, we just really thought there wasn’t any hope for=2 0Pacey. She wasn’t do anything and had almost given up it seemed. The cart has given her her freedom back. She’s like a new dog… her attitude has completely changed. Who knew that a simple cart could do that? So I put a check in the mail today for the cart. I am sorry it took so long to decide what we are doing here. I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done. You are the nicest people and I wish you lots of success. Its people like you who give the rest of us the hope and encouragement we need to make it through tough times. I can’t say it enough…..THANK YOU!

Thanks again for everything-

Sue Crossan

Dear Laurie,
Just wanted you to know that Gizmo LOVES his new cart. He adjusted to it immediately. He is like a different dog. He was so depressed before, and now he is full of life again. When you see him rolling on his cart, you would never believe he was 13 yrs. old.
Thank you, again, for offering this cart for a price we could afford. I am afraid we would have lost Gizmo, if something wasn’t done soon. He doesn’t have any other ailments, but he had given up on life.
I will be putting your check in the mail on Monday and I will be sure to recommend you to anyone else with the same problem.
Take care and God Bless,


Hi Laurie,
I wanted to let you know how wonderful your cart is.

We are having a blizzard right now and were not sure how Riley was going to be able to go outside in this. They haven’t started to plow yet. We are expecting up to 15″ of this white stuff. The enclosed pictures are proof that no matter what the weather, it works!

Riley is having a ball running through the snow like he always did. Thank you for giving him back his happiness.